Lactose Intolerance & How the Test Works
The inability to digest lactose results in what is known as lactose intolerance. It is a condition which is far from being uncommon in adults and you could well be one of those individuals suffering from the many unpleasant side effects of lactose intolerance.
The test analyzes the Beta-D-Galactosidase gene and determines whether the enzyme responsible for lactose digestion is functioning. This will establish whether there is an intolerance or non-intolerance and hence if dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes are required.
Our test starts from 69 CHF and results are issued in 10-15 working days from receipt of samples at the laboratory.

Collecting Samples
Collecting samples is easy and performed by means of mouth swabs. The swab needs to be rubbed inside the mouth for around 1 minute, allowed to dry and then returned for testing.
Everything necessary for the test will be provided inside our kit. Once you have collected your DNA samples, you can send them back to us for testing. Results will be sent back via email.
Do You Need this Test?
If you suffer from any of the following symptoms after consuming lactose containing products such as milk, you may wish to consider this test:
- Abdominal pain
- Cramps
- Bloating
- Nausea
- Flatulence
- Diarrhoea
- Steatorrhea (excess fat in stool)
If you test positive, then you can adopt a low-lactose or lactose-free diet, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Some individuals who are lactose intolerant can keep consuming small amounts of lactose without any problems.
Please read our Health and Clinical Terms & Conditions HERE carefully and make sure you understand them before ordering this test.
More Information About Lactose
Any word ending “–ose” is used in biochemistry to denote the names of sugars – maltose, glucose and fructose are just 3 examples. Lactose is a sugar found in milk.
Lactose is digested efficiently thanks to an enzyme called lactase. Lactose is digested in the small intestine; this organ produces the enzyme required to digest lactose. Once digested, it is broken down into two more simple sugars, which are more readily absorbed and better sources of energy:
- Galactose
- Glucose
Newborn babies produce high amounts of lactase to digest maternal milk. As the mother weans milk-feeding, natural lactase levels also decrease which results in lactose intolerance.
Due to cultural practices that are many centuries old, humans continue to consume milk-containing products for their entire lives. We are, of course, the only mammals to consume milk beyond infancy.
Other Tests Available
Celiac disease genetic testing can accurately confirm whether you have a genetic predisposition to celiac disease.
If you suspect you have Celiac disease and all your symptoms seem to point to this condition, this test could be the ideal test for you. Read more about our celiac disease predisposition test.
We also offer a wide range of DNA Health test that can provide you with a great number of insights into your health and genetics.
Here’s what one of our clients has to say about the Lactose Intolerance DNA Test. Click here to read more testimonials.
“The website and buying experience was all great results are semi-dubious as it shows some known allergies but misses others. Although I wasn’t expecting 100% accuracy. Good service overall.” ✪✪✪✪✪ Maurice Cheetham, 24th August 2021.